veScale DModule for Tensor Parallel & Sequence Parallel



Why veScale DModule?

  • nn.Module lacks the semantic of being distributed across multiple devices and running distributed operators

  • Manually managing DTensor and Tensor within a nn.Module in distributed settings is painful and error-prone.

What is veScale DModule?

  • DModule (Distributed Module) provides a single-device abstraction for multiple-device nn.Module and empowers user to write distributed training/inference code as if on a single device (i.e., SPMD)

  • DModule unifies Module-level Tensor Parallelism and Sequence Parallelism by transparently handling distributed logic under the hood:

    • convert Tensor to DTensor within a nn.Module
    • manage DTensor sharding and resharding during forward and backward
    • configure (re)sharding of DTensor via Module-level API parallelize_module() with given sharding_plan
    • allow sharding_plan to be either:
      • imported from a pre-defined "plan zoo"
      • given by "manually written" json
      • [experimental] given by "automatical plan generation" of veScale
    • handles gradient synchronization automatically in backward
    • support deferred initialization with deferred_init() (i.e., initialize with Fake Tensor without allocating memory, then shard Fake Tensor with TP, and then materialize only a shard of Tensor on device)
    • support third-party plug-in Module (e.g. APEX)
    • provide patch interface for customized Module-level hacking
    • extend to optional DP, optional FSDP, and optional EP (in the future)
    • provide debuggability for easy dumping, printing, listing, etc.

Difference of veScale DModule from PyTorchparallelize_module?

  • veScale DModule is inspired by PyTorch's parallelize_module, but is developed with explicit Module-level abstraction with complete features for our production usage.

  • veScale DModule extends PyTorch parallelize_module with extra features as below:

    • nD Tensor Parallelism
    • Sequence Parallelism
    • auto gradient synchronization
    • deferred initialization
    • third-party plug-in Module
    • module-level patch interface
    • [experimental] automatical plan generation

How to use veScale DModule manually?

  • Example of MLP:

    # torch native code on single device class MLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.fc1 = nn.Linear(4, 8) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.fc2 = nn.Linear(8, 4) def forward(self, x): x = self.fc1(x) x = self.relu(x) x = self.fc2(x) return x # deferred initialization mlp = deferred_init(MLP) # or regular initialization # mlp = MLP() # parallelize model into DModule with "maunal plans" dmlp = parallelize_module(mlp, DeviceMesh("cuda", [0, 1, 2, 3]), { # sharding plan "parameter" : { # appoint "which param" with what [placements] "fc1.weight": [Shard(0)], "fc1.bias": [Shard(0)], "fc2.weight": [Shard(1)], "fc2.bias": [Replicate()], }, "forward" : { # appoint "which activation" with what [placements] "fc1.input": [[Replicate()]], # change to Shard(<dim>) for SP/DP "fc2.output": [[Replicate()]], } }) # forward in TP output = dmlp(input) # backward in TP output.sum().backward() # wait for gradient synchronization (which can be hidden when using veScale optimizer) dmlp.finish_grad_sync()
  • APIs can be found in <repo>/vescale/dmodule/

  • More examples can be found under <repo>/test/dmodule/*.py