veScale Optimizer Parallel




In veScale, we provide two optimizers for Optimizer Parallel:

  • DistributedOptimizer

  • BasicOptimizer


What is it?

DistributedOptimizer is a ZeRO 2+ optimizer. Similar to the original ZeRO2, it parallelizes model gradient and optimizer states along Data Parallel dimension. Differently, it further parallelizes model parameters virtually but not physically.

DistributedOptimizer is primarily inherited from Megatron-LM's DistributedOptimizer for its performance and mostly due to the lacking of ZeRO2 optimizer in native PyTorch. We extend and enhance DistributedOptimizer with extra features:

  • convert between Tensor and DTensor

  • support online resharding of optimzier state

How does it work?

In DistributedOptimizer, the model gradients and optimizer states are sharded along Data Parallel dimension in each gradient Bucket of Gradient Buffer (see DDP for more details), where each DP rank only manages its own shard of gradient, generates its own shard of optimizer states, and updates its own shard of parameters.

The flow of DistributedOptimizer is as follows:

  1. During initialization, model parameters are virtually sharded across all DP ranks, such that each DP rank owns a partial view of the original model parameters
  • This sharding does not respect parameter boundaries, i.e., a parameter could be split into two halves and belong to two DP ranks. Therefore, a complex mapping between the sharded parameters and the original parameters is established, which is mostly done in the __init__ function. Then the optimizer's param_groups is replaced with the Sharded Parameter.
  1. Receive Reduced Gradient resulting from ReduceScatter per Gradient Bucket in DDP

  2. Attach Reduced Gradient (main_grad of each original parameter) to the Sharded Parameter

  3. Run the actual optimizer.step() to generate Optimizer State of each shard and updates Sharded Parameter with Reduced Gradient

  4. Copy the updated Sharded Parameter to a specific parameter buffer and get ready for AllGather communication to restore the full parameters

  • To avoid the performance overhead and memory cost of per-parameter AllGather, the Gradient Buffer of DDP is reused as the communication buffer for AllGather.
  1. Overlap the parameter AllGather with the forward computation in the next iteration for hiding communication overhead, similar to gradient ReduceScater overlap with backward computation

How to use it?

from vescale.ddp.distributed_data_parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP from vescale.optim.distributed_optimizer import DistributedOptimizer from vescale.dmodule.api import parallelize_module from vescale.dtensor.device_mesh import DeviceMesh # create an torch-native model mlp = MLP() # create 2-dim DeviceMesh, the first for data-parallel, while the second for tensor-parallel. device_mesh = DeviceMesh("cuda", [[0, 1], [2, 3]], mesh_dim_names=("DP", "TP")) # parallelize torch-native model into TP model tp_mlp = parallelize_module(mlp, device_mesh["TP"], sharding_plan) # wrap TP model with `DDP` dp_tp_mlp = DDP( module=tp_mlp, device_mesh["DP"], use_distributed_optimizer=True ) # create DistributedOptimizer doptim = DistributedOptimizer( # choose core optimizer class torch.optim.Adam, # feed model models=[dp_tp_mlp], # choose whether overlap the param all-gather with the next forward for speeding up overlap_param_gather=True or False, # feed core optimizer kwargs optimizer_kwargs={"lr": 0.01}, ) # training current iteration dp_tp_mlp(torch.rand(...)).sum().bakward() # reduce-scatter the gradient across the DP world. dp_tp_mlp.finish_grad_sync() # update model doptim.step() # training next iteration doptim.zero_grad() # <repeat above>

APIs can found in: <repo>/vescale/optim/

More examples can found in: <repo>/test/parallel/ddp_optim/


BasicOptimizer is a not ZeRO optimizer but a simple optimizer that works like Data Parallel which replicates parameters, gradients, and optimizer states along Data Parallel dimension.

BasicOptimizer itself is nothing but a simple wrapper that wraps given optimizer instance with utilities for veScale DTensor, DModule, and DDP:

  • convert between Tensor and DTensor

  • recover flattened gradient from DDP

  • trigger gradient synchronization of DModule (e.g., for Sequence Parallel)

APIs can be found in: <repo>/vescale/optim/

Examples can be found in <repo>/test/parallel/ddp_optim/

The compatibility of the above optimizers with DDP is as follows:

NO DDPyesno